Magdalena Ramos
Jul 26, 2019
Maggie's Farewell - Week 8
THE END IS NEAR! It is Thursday. We have basically wrapped up our entire project. This whole week we have been adding corrections and...
Mia Craig
Jul 26, 2019
Mia's Farewell - Week 8
The end is upon us. I have to say, the REEU program has left me feeling extremely anxious for the duration of the final week. Things...
Jennifer Gilbert
Jul 26, 2019
Jenny's Farewell - Week 8
WELL WELL WELL, here we are. We have reached the finish line…almost. Week 8 is wrapping up and it is absolutely unbelievable how fast...
Emily Tauber
Jul 26, 2019
Emily's Farewell - Week 8
Wow, the whole program is over after this Friday. It’s crazy to think that all the non-Purdue students will be packing up and going to...
Taylor Hayes
Jul 26, 2019
Taylor's Farewell - Week 8
We had another fun-filled weekend last week. Saturday, we go to go to White Rock Park. At this park, there was cliff jumping, rope...
Reece Ehret
Jul 26, 2019
Reece's Farewell - Week 8
Unbelievably this was the final week of the REEU program. All of our research and hard work boiled down to this final and very important...
Mae Watson
Jul 26, 2019
Mae's Farewell - Week 8
We have reached the finish line and what a wild ride it has been. This past week was extremely intense as each group perfected their...
Garret Cooney
Jul 26, 2019
Garret's Farewell - Week 8
The 8 weeks have finally reached their conclusion, and we are presenting our research today. It feels as if the time has simultaneously...
Avery Cook
Jul 26, 2019
Avery's Farewell - Week 8
It’s finally over! All of our hard work is finally paying off. Our manuscript is done! Our poster is printed! Now all we have left is to...
Alyssa Cepeda
Jul 26, 2019
Alyssa's Farewell - Week 8
The final week of this internship has come! It has been a very eventful last week. Garret and I began analyzing our data first thing into...
Megan L. Gunn
Jul 26, 2019
REEU 2019 Farewell
Crazy to say that this 8 weeks has finally come to a close. And it is definitely bittersweet. I want to keep them here forever but I'm...
Taylor Hayes
Jul 22, 2019
Taylor's Recap - Week 7
I cannot believe that our second to last week is over. The last weeks of this internship have really flown by. Saturday was Riverfest and...
Reece Ehret
Jul 22, 2019
Reece's Recap - Week 7
Our second to last week of the REEU program was a busy one. Throughout the week Taylor and I were focused on preparing materials for our...
Magdalena Ramos
Jul 22, 2019
Maggie's Recap - Week 7
Monday morning, I spent a good half of the day writing up in our manuscript, what had been conducted in R and the steps it took to...
Mae Watson
Jul 22, 2019
Mae's Recap - Week 7
We are getting closer to the finish line! This past week was full of data analysis for the herp group. It took us quite a few meetings...
Emily Tauber
Jul 22, 2019
Emily's Recap - Week 7
I did it. I did statistics and I didn’t die. Who would have thought. Jenny and I are pretty much done with our project and it’s a...
Avery Cook
Jul 22, 2019
Avery's Recap - Week 7
We are now in the final countdown of the program! It's hard to believe that 7 weeks have already gone by. This week was full of cool...
Alyssa Cepeda
Jul 22, 2019
Alyssa's Recap - Week 7
We have finally completed our second to the last week of this REEU internship. Time really flies by when you’re working hard and having...
Megan L. Gunn
Jul 22, 2019
Recap of Week 7
Week 7 has finally come to a close. We started the week with a bang and ended the week the same way. With hometowns from all over the US...
Jennifer Gilbert
Jul 22, 2019
Jenny's Recap - Week 7
It has been a busy week for sure! Week 7 has been full of last-minute data collection, TONS of data analysis and statistics, polishing...