Avery's Recap - Week 5
We are over halfway through the program! So this week we worked on our extension project for the PALS event and Riverfest. Mia and I have created a display kind of like a children’s book. We have little pull tabs that are hiding pictures of animals and under the pictures we have the spectrograms of the animal’s call. We are going to play the sound of the animal and try to have people guess the animal making that call. Then for the second part of the project we have those same animals as little necklaces with the spectrogram on the back of the animal. We are going to play the sound and have the kids dance out the sound by following the rhythm of the animal’s call. We are not exactly sure how it will work because the idea of soundscape ecology is a little abstract but we are hoping for the best! Our poster looks super nice so for Riverfest we will be all set.
This week we also had another ground of high schoolers with us. This group was super interested in FNR and was a lot of fun to work with. They made this crazy presentation of their time with us and had hidden a picture of Tom Holland in every slide. They gave us all a good laugh.
Next week we are doing a lot of extension so it’s going to be challenging in a new way. I hope we get at least a few kids interested in FNR in some way.
Here's my submission for the contest: