Coby Frame: Week 6 Recap

This week we began to consolidate our data into one excel file. We started on some of our data analysis, but we realized the method we were using was very tedious and would take too long. Dr. Goforth was able to show us a few tricks that helped make our analysis a lot faster! In the little free time we had this week, we looked for salamanders in the stream and were able to find one, a red-backed salamander! Another thing that I really enjoyed about this week was looking at our cover board temperature and humidity data. I’m happy that we have at least some data to analyze for our project since we haven’t found any herps under our cover boards yet. It’ll be interesting to see if there are any temperature or humidity differences between the types of cover board materials. Next week will be the the last time we check our cover boards for herps and I really hope we find some!